Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Conquer the Clutter!!

You may not know this, but January is “National Get Organized Month”.  What perfect timing! A new year, a fresh start … time to tackle those projects you have been avoiding, and get control of all your spaces.

Why do we end up with out-of-control closets and drawers? Most likely it is because cleaning them out is not a particularly fun project, and we can think of a lot of ways we would rather spend our time. Also, because the whole idea can be a bit overwhelming.

Well, here is the trick: Eat the elephant one bite at a time. Just attack one drawer a day, and in a week you will have made a major dent in your clutter situation. 

The process is simple.

First: Empty the drawer, clean out all the dust bunnies that have accumulated in the corners, and then sort everything you took out into four piles:

1.      Things that will go back into the drawer

2.      Things that need to get tossed

3.      Things that belong somewhere else (Throw them into a box to be dealt with later.)

4.      Things that can be donated (Start a bag that you will add to as you tackle each drawer.)

Next: Organize the items that are going back into the drawer and decide if you need containers (boxes, jars, plastic bags, baskets, etc.) to separate the various categories.

Finally: Put away the things that need to go somewhere else. Then stand back and admire your work.

Closets can be very scary. Again the trick is to take it one step at a time. One day go through all your shoes and bags. Then tackle sweaters … then pants. You get the idea.

Do you know what the coolest thing about all this is? You’ll save time and frustration because you will actually be able to find things when you need them.

And as a special reward … I’ll bet you discover stuff you forgot you even owned.

Good luck!
Kathy (A former Professional Organizer)

 Craft Closet - Before                  Craft Closet - After                 Closet with Baskets

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