Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Pizza Fritta Tomorrow!

My paternal grandparents came from small towns outside of Naples, Italy. My father always told us about eating the “pizza fritta” his mother made for the family.

When I researched Pizza Fritta the description was for a round, flat pizza dough that had tomato sauce and cheese on it. I’m sure that is very good, but my Dad’s pizza fritta was a breakfast treat – extremely delicious … and very fattening. J

We serve it every year as a special treat on Christmas morning.  Here is how it is made:

(You can make your own bread dough, or cheat like I do and buy a couple of loaves of frozen all-purpose dough.)

Fill a skillet about half way up with vegetable oil and heat it until almost boiling.

Break off pieces of dough the size of the palm of your hand.  Then pull and stretch each piece with your hands until it is ½ - 1 inch think.

Place the pieces into the oil when it is hot. (Flick a little water into the oil. If it bubbles it is ready.)

When the pieces rise to the top and are light brown on the bottom side (peek with a slotted spoon), turn them over. When they are brown all over, remove them and place them on paper towels to drain the excess oil.

We serve the pizza fritta with good maple syrup (heated) and powdered sugar. Just pull small pieces off each hunk and dunk them in the syrup. Yum!

I also cook up some bacon to serve with it. The salty taste is a perfect counterpoint to the sweetness of the syrup.

Enjoy your family traditions. Have a special holiday. My very best wishes to you all.




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